MACL Announces the Inauguration of its Brand-new Cargo Terminal

PUBLISHED January 16, 2024 | updated January 16, 2024 03:35

Maldives Airports Company Pvt Ltd has announced the inauguration of the new Cargo Terminal by the esteemed presence of President Dr. Mohamed Muizz at Velana International Airport on January 15, 2024. 

The cargo terminal is a step into the future with state-of-the-art facilities designed to elevate cargo operations to new heights. Starting from January 15, 2024, all import cargo will be released from the new terminal.

According to the circular released by MACL, the harbor area of the new Cargo Terminal can hold up to 15 vessels at the same time, vessels will be granted access to the harbor after goods have been cleared and released, vessels awaiting clearance may wait at the old cargo harbor, each vessel will be allocated 45 minutes to load the cargo and MACL foremen and security guards will be on-site to assist in the process.

MACL works to ensure a smooth transition of its import operations and requests support from all in the transitional phase. Export operations are set to continue in the old cargo terminal until further notice from MACL.


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